Hello blog readers!
Since I got the
keys to the new house I've spent three days frantically painting, pulling up carpets & doing as much as I can do before I move in. I've taken a couple of days off of work, but I have two big publication deadlines looming, so it's all a bit crazy! I'm looking forward to blogging about all the renos and you joining me through this process!
After an initial stage of being overwhelmed, things are starting to come together, bit by bit...and I can start to see the future finished product. Of course this will be months, years even. But getting rid of some of the horrid stripes and removing the ugly carpet has already started to transform things!
Here are a few pics from the last week.
So I decided to tackle the bedroom first...
This is what it looked like when the previous owners lived in it--purple stripes and the bed was covering up the darling fireplace...
{how the owners had it previously} |
Next I ripped up the carpet off the stairs and had to remove a million staples! Walls will DEFINITELY need to be painted, but all in time....
I'll likely leave the wood at the centre and re-paint the sides of the steps.
& then the kitchen required an eradication of the red...the tiles still need to go and the cabinets need repainting and the hardware needs to be changed, but again, all in time!
{this is how the previous owners had the kitchen} |
{painted walls white...much more needs to be done!} |
Then the lounge...well the stripes had to go! how many coats does it take to remove stripes? only time will tell...
{as the owners had it} |
I had to remove the carpet, and then all the carpet grippers, and then underlay, and under that were these boards...but finally, got down to the wood!
{hard at work!} |
{gorgeous floor boards that just need some TLC. Eventually I'll open up this fireplace again} |
{pile of carpets growing & growing...} |
{early morning view from the guest bedroom} |
& I finally took a break and went for a walk along the canal to the charming local pub!
{The Globe Inn--lovely seats outside on the canal in the summer months, charming cozy fireplaces inside in the winter. so very oldy worldly} |
Until next time! (& by that time, I'll likely be moved in!)