Finally time to catch up blogland!
In August I visited my parents who recently relocated to Nova Scotia. They are fixing up a beautiful cottage on a lovely piece of land with waterfront property. Simply peaceful and naturally beautiful...
While there, my parents hosted a housewarming party, we travelled to Lunenberg to hear the Nova Scotia Youth Orchestra, we visited good old friends in Halifax, we launched
Ratty my parents' latest boat and christened her with a bottle of champagne, & spent the days wandering the shores, & the nights drinking nice wine and cooking & eating splendid food.
Delightful! here are some pics...
{at the waterfront of my parents' property} |
{nothing says 'home' better than my Dad at the piano} |
{house warming party/still under construction} |
{off we go to launch Ratty--from my parents' property no less!} |
{cheers!} |
{true love--childhood sweethearts!} |
{LaHave bakery, just down the road} |
A trip to Lunenberg--the home of the
Bluenose and the site where many of the grandbanks fishing schooners were built, including the
Robertson II, the boat I grew up on:
{Lunenberg} |
{lobster traps} |
{time for a seafood dinner!--the two chefs} |
{yes please!} |
{Gaudeamus--the name of my parents' home} |
{visit with old friends in Halifax} |
{chart of the area} |
It's lovely to see my parents settled so close to the sea and to see that they've already made numerous friends. They continue to inspire me in their resilience, their ability to rise to challenges, & to make anywhere home--whether it's on a boat or on land.