A couple of weeks ago my parents came for a visit. They drove across Canada, all the way from the west coast (you can read about their trip
here &
here), stopping off in Vermont on their way to Nova Scotia. It was wonderful! We drove around Vermont, went for a sail on Lake Champlain, went to the Burlington Farmer's Market, stopped at a farm & picked up some pumpkins & fresh corn, & had a big roast beef dinner with friends.
Recently, a friend & colleague said to me "can you imagine not having to work on a weekend?" It becomes so normal as an academic to work all weekend that you forget that normal people actually have weekends--off! But it means that the weekends I do take off make me appreciate them all the more. So, when my parents visited I completely took it off from work & it felt so good to just enjoy the time with them. They also delivered our 20-year old cat,
Samundar, who will be staying with me for a while. She *brightens* up my life--a dear friend who says hello every morning, keeps me company throughout the day & is always there to welcome me home... I can't believe she's been in my life since I was in Grade 6, & I can't imagine life without her!
Some pics from the great little holiday I had with my parents:
{Burlington Farmer's Market} |
{my dear cat having afternoon tea} |
{lovely sail on Lake Champlain} |
{setting up the table for a big roast beef Sunday dinner (with my Mum's yummy yorkshire puddings)} |
{flowers from the garden} |
{trip to Stowe} |
{fresh eggs} |
{pumpkins!} |
{my Dad & me} |
{I promise not to post too many of my furry friend, but here are a few of her in her new home} |
{her 'why are you waking me up?' look} |
Things are rather busy at the moment, so will try to post again soon.